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  • Writer's pictureMarti Johnston

Unpacking / Process

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

From Angela Carter 1979 “Fairy-tale families are, in the main, dysfunctional units in which parents and step parents are neglectful to the point of murder and sibling rivalry….a profile of the typical European fairy tale reads like a “family at risk” ins present day inner-city social worker’s casebook….”

“Family at risk” our tale is classic. North Eastern Europe, with Slavic influences, the stories are dark, and not often with redemption. The father line of my mother is from ancient and mythical places on that continent. Educated, creative people whose society saw constant strife of wars and revolution. This tale is also of German immigrants, change seekers, change makers.

Timeless stories told through the human ages, aggregated into a few universal tales, each of which can then spin thousands more stories. Is anything new under the sun? Humans are still humans, flawed and imperfect, noble and inspired.

The Same Sad Story

The archetypes at play

Traveling, narcissist father (wild child)

The Mother (adult child of alcoholic) strict mother

Good daughter / mommie’s favorite

Bad daughter / pa’s favorite (wild child)

Baby/Son (neglected / mental illness)

The Coquille Herald issued at least two editorials moralizing the story.

A father’s plea: Girls, and boys, mind your parents. Parents, spend time with your children.

And, The Same Sad Story

A degree of affluence is no protection against neglect. It is sad that the parents were not paying attention to their pubescent daughter. Perhaps mistaking strict discipline for control was their error. Or like a family in the 21st century, the breadwinner is a hard worker, an entrepreneur traveling to the next opportunity. The caregiver, uptight as hell, manages a household, family and social obligations, required to follow the whims of her husband across too many thresholds. The youngest son was probably time absorbing, the eldest daughter was mother’s right hand, the middle child slipped through the cracks.

Like contemporary times, teen suicide, young girls taking their lives follows somewhat predictable indicators.

Timeless stories told through the human ages, aggregated into a few universal tales, each of which can then spin thousands more stories. Is anything new under the sun? Humans are still humans, flawed and imperfect, noble and inspired.

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